Playing STREET writing game.
The object of the game is to collect 3 cards by landing on the pictures in the STREET grid.
Choose one or two player mode then click the dice to move across the board.
When you land on a picture a card will give you a question or phrase.
When you have collected 3 cards you can use them to help you create a poem or story by answering the questions or completing the phrases.
You can submit your poem or story by clicking the submit story button or the green flag. Note in 2 player mode you both need to complete before you can submit the story.
Send us what you’ve written – we’ll make a selection to put on display, or even publish in a book!
To play the game follow this link.
Writing about your STREET
Think about a street that you know well.
It could be the street where you live now,
the street where you used to live, a friend’s street
or a street that you visit.
Imagine the street, as if you are taking a photograph of it in your head.
Using pen and paper, answer the questions or continue the phrases on your three prompt cards.
Add any other details you can think of about the street.
Use your notes to write a short poem, story, or description of the street.
Read it through. Can you change it in any way?
Can you cut some words out, or put more in?
We will make a selection to display or publish.